School District of Clay County
Green Cove Springs, Florida
Teacher Inservice Center - Fleming Island High School
2233 Village Square Parkway

Hearings for Special Actions regarding Students - 4:00 p.m.

August 17, 2006 Regular Meeting

Invocation (Superintendent Owens)
Pledge of Allegiance
Call to Order
1. Attendance
Minutes: Present:  Carol Vallencourt, District No. 1; Carol Studdard, District No. 2; Wayne Bolla, District No. 4; and Lisa Graham, District No. 5.  Charles Van Zant, District No. 3, was away at National Guard Training in Fort Sill, Oklahoma and participated by phone conference.  Superintendent David Owens was also in attendance at the meeting.

Consent Agenda

2. C-1 Minutes of workshop of July 13, 2006; joint meeting with BCC on July 19, 2006; SPR/discipline hearings and regular meeting of July 20, 2006; special meeting of July 31, 2006 (Revised)
Attachment: MinutesJul3106.pdf
Attachment: Jul1306.pdf
Attachment: Jul19BCCMinutes.pdf
Attachment: Jul2006Disc.pdf (Confidential Item)
Attachment: Jul20Minutes.pdf
Attachment: Jul2006SPR.pdf
Deputy Superintendent

3. C-2 Florida Youth Challenge Academy Student/Employee Work Calendar 2006-2007 (Revised)
Attachment: 2006-2007 FYCA Student-Employee Calendar.pdf
4. C-3 2006-2007 Daily Hours for Teachers and Students (Revised)
Attachment: Daily Hours for Teachers and Student 2006-2007.pdf
5. C-4 Teacher Representative Regarding Paperwork and Data Collection Reduction (F.S. 1001.42(22)) (Revised)
6. C-5 Staff Allocations - 2006-2007 (Revised)
Attachment: Staff Allocation Amendments 2006-2007.pdf
7. C-6 Amendments to CCSB Policy 4.06, Student Assignment (Revised)
Attachment: CCSB Policy 4.06 Student Assignment.pdf
8. C-7 Amendments to CCSB Policy 4.07, Student Admission and Enrollment (Revised)
Attachment: CCSB Policy 4.07 Student Admission and Enrollment.pdf
Human Resources

9. C-9 2006-2007 Salary Schedule, Sections II, II, IV and V (Revised)
Attachment: 20062007SalarySchedule.pdf

10. C-10 Consultant Services for CEB - Ron Large (Revised)
Attachment: Ron Large RESUME.pdf
11. C-11 Co-Enrollee list for July 2006 (Revised)
Attachment: Co-Enrollee list for July 2006.pdf (Confidential Item)
12. C-12 Form of agreement between elementary principals and after school program "Young Rembrandts". (Revised)
13. C-13 Interinstitutional Articulation Agreement (Dual Enrollment) (Revised)
Attachment: Interinstitutional Articulation Agreement.pdf
14. C-14 2006-2007 Interagency Agreement between the School Board of Clay County (SBCC) and Young Men's Christian Association (YMCA) regarding Take Stock in Children (TSIC) (Revised)
Attachment: YMCA.pdf
15. C-17 Contracting for Interpreter services (Revised)
16. C-18 Addendum to Head Start contract to provide ESE consultation for 2006-2007 (Revised)
17. C-19 Pay mileage at 44.5 cents/mile to have parents or group homes transport certain ESE students for student school year 2006-2007 (Revised)
18. C-20 Bannerman Learning Center Placement in Lieu of Expulsion and ESE Alternative School Update (Revised)
Attachment: BLC placements aug 06.pdf
19. C-21 Student Travel (Revised)
Attachment: Student Travel-Board Backup-August 17, 2006.pdf
20. C-22 Interagency Agreement for the Andrew Jackson Liberty Fellowship Grant (Revised)
Attachment: TAH claycounty year 1contract.pdf
Attachment: TAH interagency Evaluations Solution.pdf
Attachment: TAH interagency LearnersOnline.pdf
Business Affairs

21. C-23 Monthly Property Report - July, 2006 - Furniture/Equipment (Revised)
Attachment: Furniture-Equipment Report-July, 06.pdf
22. C-24 Monthly Property Report - July, 2006 - AV Materials (Revised)
Attachment: Audiovisual Report-July, 06.pdf
23. C-25 Monthly Property Report - July, 2006 - Software (Revised)
Attachment: Software Report-July, 06.pdf
24. C-26 Monthly Property Report - July, 2006 - Vehicles (Revised)
Attachment: Vehicles Report-July, 06.pdf
25. C-27 Deletion of Certain Items Report - August, 2006 (Revised)
Attachment: Monthly Deletion Report-August, 06.pdf
Attachment: Monthly Deletion Report (Attachments)-August, 06.pdf
26. C-28 Warrants and Vouchers for JULY, 2006 (Revised)
27. C-29 Bid to be awarded August 2006 (Revised)
Attachment: BID - AUGUST 2006.pdf
28. C-30 Contract for St. Lukes/Mayo Clinic Dietetic Interns (Revised)
Attachment: 20060809142750642.pdfSFS
Support Services

29. C-31 Change Order #1 for Orange Park Junior High School Fire Alarm Replacement (Revised)
Attachment: CO1.OPJH.FA.pdf
30. C-32 W. E. Cherry Elementary School Fire Alarm Replacement Substantial Completion (Revised)
Attachment: SC.WEC.FA.pdf
31. C-33 Amendment to the 2003-2004 and 2005-2006 Classrooms For Kids Program Funding Distribution (Revised)
Attachment: Clsrm for Kids Amendment 03.04 & 05.06.pdf
32. C-34 Change Order #3 for Middleburg High School Chiller Replacement (Revised)
Attachment: CO3.MHS.Chiller.pdf
33. C-35 Schematic/Preliminary (Phase I & II) Plans and Specifications for Elementary Schools “W” and “R” (Revised)
34. C-36 Orange Park Junior High School Fire Alarm Replacement Substantial Completion (Revised)
Attachment: SC.OPJH.FireAlarm.pdf
35. C-37 Middleburg High School Chiller Replacement Substantial Completion (Revised)
Attachment: SC.MHS.Chiller.pdf
36. C-38 Doctors Inlet Elementary Parking Improvements Substantial Completion (Revised)
Attachment: DIS Sub. Comp..pdf
37. C-39 Change Order #6 (Direct Purchasing) for Oakleaf School (Revised)
Attachment: CO 6 OLS.pdf
38. C-40 Pre-Qualification of Contractors (Revised)
Attachment: Contractors, Aug.pdf
39. C-41 Final (Phase III) Plans and Specifications for Charles E. Bennett Elementary Classroom Replacement (Revised)
40. C-42 Change Order #4 (Direct Purchasing) for Fleming Island Elementary Permanent Classroom Addition (Revised)
Attachment: Chnage Order 4, FIE.pdf
41. C-43 Change Order #5 (Direct Purchasing) for Coppergate Elementary (Revised)
Attachment: Change Order 5, CGE.pdf
42. C-44 Change Order #5 for Fleming Island Elementary Permanent Classroom Addition (Revised)
Attachment: Change Order 5, FIE.pdf
43. C-45 Fleming Island Elementary Permanent Classroom Addition Substantial Completion (Revised)
Attachment: Sub Comp FIE.pdf
44. C-46 Middleburg Elementary School Re-Roof Buildings 2 & 7 Substantial Completion (Revised)
Attachment: SC.MBE.Roof 002.pdf
45. C-47 Clay Hill Elementary School Re-Roof Buildings 1, 2, 3 & 4 Substantial Completion (Revised)
Attachment: SC.CHE.Roof.pdf
46. C-48 Agreement between School Board of Clay County and Peters Creek Investments, LLC for Saratoga Springs, a Development of Regional Impact (Revised)
Attachment: SaratogaSpringsAgreement.pdf

Adoption of Consent Agenda
47. Adoption of all remaining Consent Items (above)
Minutes: Consent Items C-8, C-15 and C-16 were flagged to Discussion.  Consent Item C-12 was withdrawn and no action was taken on this item.

Approve the Consent Items as presented, with the exception of those moved to Discussion or withdrawn.- PASS
Vote Results
Motion: Lisa Graham
Second: Carol Studdard
Wayne Bolla- Aye
Lisa Graham- Aye
Carol Studdard- Aye
Carol Vallencourt- Aye
Charlie VanZant- Aye

Recognitions and Awards
48. Oakleaf School Completion (Mr. Elliott) (Revised)
Attachment: OLSrecognitionsList.pdf
Minutes: Mike Elliott, Assistant Superintendent for Support Services, along with Superintendent Owens, recognized those individuals instrumental in the successful completion and opening of the new Oakleaf School on a very compressed time schedule.  Certificates of Appreciation were presented to each.  See attachment for a complete listing of the individuals' names.
49. Five Star School Awards (Ms. Graham)

The following schools were recognized as a Five Star School:  Fleming Island Elementary, Orange Park Elementary, Paterson Elementary, and W.E. Cherry Elementary.

Scheduled Citizen Requests
50. Tamara Triest Flanders on behalf of Forest Hills Property Owner's Association in Keystone Heights regarding school bus stop issues
Minutes: The residents of this community are requesting bus pickup inside the subdivision.  The bus stop is currently located at the front entrance and some families live as far as 3 miles back into the subdivision.  Mrs. Flanders noted that the dirt roads are routinely maintained and there are adequate turn arounds for the bus.
51. Duane Mitchell regarding Pebble Creek community in Argyle area

52. Dr. Pam Mullarkey, Project SOS (Revised)
Attachment: ProjSOS.pdf
Minutes: Dr. Mullarkey, Founder and Executive Director of Project S.O.S. (Strengthening Our Students), presented results of this past year's abstinence education programs that the organization presented in the junior and senior high schools in Clay County.  Dr. Mullarkey noted that the cost of student materials will increase during the 2006-07 school year from $4.50 to $7.00 per student. 

Discussion Agenda
Deputy Superintendent

53. Public Hearing/CCSB Policy 4.01 Attendance/Truancy (Revised)
Attachment: CCSB Policy 4.01 Attendance-Truancy.pdf
Minutes: The public hearing was held with no one being present to speak to the item.

Approve as submitted.- PASS
Vote Results
Motion: Carol Studdard
Second: Lisa Graham
Wayne Bolla- Aye
Lisa Graham- Aye
Carol Studdard- Aye
Carol Vallencourt- Aye
Charlie VanZant- Aye

54. Public Hearing/CCSB Policy 4.16 Release of Student During School Day (Revised)
Attachment: CCSB Policy 4.16 Release of Student During School Day.pdf
Minutes: The public hearing was held with no one being present to speak to the item.

Approve as submitted.- PASS
Vote Results
Motion: Carol Studdard
Second: Lisa Graham
Wayne Bolla- Aye
Lisa Graham- Aye
Carol Studdard- Aye
Carol Vallencourt- Aye
Charlie VanZant- Aye

Human Resources

55. C-8 (Bolla) Personnel Consent Agenda (Revised)
Attachment: Personnelconsentagenda0806.pdf
Minutes: Mr. Bolla expressed a concern with the deletion of some required qualifications and responsibilities in Job Descriptions presented in the Personnel Agenda.  He also expressed concern with a teacher certification issue which allows some teachers to begin employment without a Florida Teaching Certificate in hand.

Approve the Personnel Consent Agenda- PASS
Vote Results
Motion: Wayne Bolla
Second: Lisa Graham
Wayne Bolla- Aye
Lisa Graham- Aye
Carol Studdard- Aye
Carol Vallencourt- Aye
Charlie VanZant- Aye


56. C-15 (Bolla) 2006-2007 Safety and Education Articulation Agreement between the School Board of Clay County and the Orange Park Town Council, Town of Orange Park, and the Orange Park Police Department (Revised)
Attachment: Safety and Education Articulation Agreement OPPD 2.pdf
Minutes: Mr. Bolla requested a cost comparison between the services provided in these Agreements (C-15 and C-16) and what the school district has agreed to with the Clay County Sheriff's Office.  Although Mrs. Denise Adams, Assistant Superintendent for Instruction, stated that there was not sufficient time allowed for such an extensive analysis, she assured Mr. Bolla that the school district is getting a "good deal."

Approve the 2006-2007 Safety and Education Articulation Agreement between the School Board of Clay County and the Orange Park Town Council, Town of Orange Park, and the Orange Park Police Department as submitted.- PASS
Vote Results
Motion: Wayne Bolla
Second: Lisa Graham
Wayne Bolla- Aye
Lisa Graham- Aye
Carol Studdard- Aye
Carol Vallencourt- Aye
Charlie VanZant- Aye

57. C-16 (Bolla) 2006-2007 Safety and Education Articulation Agreement between the School Board of Clay County and the City Council of the City of Green Cove Springs and the Green Cove Springs Police Department (Revised)
Attachment: Safety and Education Articulation Agreement GCSPD 2.pdf

Approve the 2006-2007 Safety and Education Articulation Agreement between the School Board of Clay County and the City Council of the City of Green Cove Springs and the Green Cove Springs Police Department as submitted.- PASS
Vote Results
Motion: Carol Studdard
Second: Wayne Bolla
Wayne Bolla- Aye
Lisa Graham- Aye
Carol Studdard- Aye
Carol Vallencourt- Aye
Charlie VanZant- Aye

58. Public Hearing for Student Progression Plan for 2006-2007 (Revised)
Attachment: Public Hearing for Student Progression Plan-Board Backup-August 17, 2006.pdf
Minutes: The public hearing was held with no one being present to speak to the item.

Approve as advertised- PASS
Vote Results
Motion: Lisa Graham
Second: Charlie VanZant
Wayne Bolla- Aye
Lisa Graham- Aye
Carol Studdard- Aye
Carol Vallencourt- Aye
Charlie VanZant- Aye

Support Services

59. Receive Clay District Enrollment Projections
Attachment: Aug17ClayEnrollmentBackUp.pdf
Minutes: Enrollment projections together with capacity establishes the level of service.  The establishment of an "acceptable" enrollment projection is fundamental to the process.  See the attachment for specific details of the enrollment projections.
60. Receive Initiatives for establishing the Level Of Service (L.O.S.) (Revised)
Attachment: Aug17LOSInitiativesBackUp.pdf
Minutes: Establishing a level of service standard and a tiered level of service is a requirement under concurrency and must be identified within the Interlocal Agreement.  Initiatives that affect the L.O.S. are new schools and redistricting.  The information contained in the attachment only includes redistricting associated with planned new schools over the next five years.
61. Receive the Tiered Level of Service (L.O.S.) (Revised)
Attachment: Utilization to 2015-1016.pdf
Attachment: Tiered LOS.pdf
Minutes: An essential requirement for a concurrency management system is the level of service at which a public facility is expected to operate.  Public school level of service standards shall be included and adopted into the capital improvements element of the local comprehensive plan and shall apply district-wide to all schools of the same type.  School Boards have the option to utilize tiered level of service standards to allow time to achieve an adequate and desirable level of service as circumstances warrant.  The tiered level of service approach starts out at the highest percentage of existing schools and works toward the district goal over a period of time.  This method allows time to achieve the desired level of service goal.  See the attachment for details of the Tierer Level of Service.  
62. Receive Interlocal Agreement for Coordinated Planning, Public Educational Facility Siting and Review and School Concurrency in Clay County (Revised)
Attachment: Clay County Draft ILA Clean 8-09-2006.pdf

An Interlocal Agreement for Coordinated Planning, Public Education Facility Siting and Review and School Concurrency is required by F.S. 163.31777 and Senate Bill 360.  It provides clear identity as to the mutual roles and responsibilities of the Clay County Board of County Commissioners, City of Green Cove Springs, Town of Orange Park, Town of Keystone Heights and the School District of Clay County.  For a complete copy of the proposed Interlocal Agreement, please see the attachment.

63. Use of Educational Facilities for County Recreational Purposes
Attachment: Aug17EdFacRecreationBackUp.pdf

On July 19, 2006, a request was made from the Board of County Commissioners that an expanded partnership be explored for increased community playground use on school property.  A pilot was suggested to be selected from four schools:  Ridgeview Elementary, S. Bryan Jennings Elementary, Doctors Inlet Elementary and W. E. Cherry Elementary.    Through further discussion with mutual staffs, Doctors Inlet Elementary has been selected as the most ideal site.

Approve a joint-use venture with the Board of County Commissioners for a community playground on school property, and authorize the development of an Interlocal Agreement to address the requirement of a joint-use venture.- PASS
Vote Results
Motion: Wayne Bolla
Second: Lisa Graham
Wayne Bolla- Aye
Lisa Graham- Aye
Carol Studdard- Aye
Carol Vallencourt- Aye
Charlie VanZant- Aye

Presentations from the Audience
64. Ken Carter
Minutes: Mr. Carter spoke on behalf of the Clay Educational Staff Professional Association and expressed concern about a shortage of custodial staff. 
65. Constance Higginbotham
Minutes: Ms. Higginbotham addressed the Board on behalf of the Clay County Education Association and expressed dismay at the state's continued efforts to support vouchers for private schools as an alternative to public education.  At the September regular meeting, the School Board agreed to support a Resolution being sponsored by the Florida Education Association which demands action by the Governor and 2007 Legislature to make funding of public education a "paramount duty of the state."

Superintendent Requests
66. Board Member Internet Charges
Minutes: As proposed by the Superintendent and staff, the School Board agreed to be reimbursed at a rate of $45.00 or actual cost, whichever is less, per month for the high speed internet connection required for the electronic agenda.  Payment wil be made following receipt of an invoice.  Similar language will be drafted and brought back for approval and inclusion in the 2006-07 salary schedule.
67. Upcoming Board Meeting dates

Thurs, August 24, 2006    3:00 – Workshop (Board Discussion on Concurrency issues)

Mon, August 28, 2006      3:00 – Special Meeting (Staff Presentation and Kimley-Horn Consultants on Concurrency issues)

Thurs, Sept. 7, 2006         4:30-6:00 – Workshop (Strategic Planning/Ben Wortham)

Thurs, Sept. 7, 2006        7:00 – Special Meeting (Public Hearing on Final Budget)

School Board's Requests
68. 2006 School Opening
Minutes: Board Members made positive comments about the opening of the 2006-07 school year.  Everything seemed to run smoothly and they received little, if any, complaints.
69. School Security
Minutes: In answer to a question by Mr. Bolla, it was reported that Clay High School is piloting a school security identification program whereby visitors are logged in and issued badges.  Additional equipment is currently on order for the new Oakleaf School.  It will take several months of use to determine the success of the program.
70. Covered Play Areas
Minutes: Currently, two schools have been approved for matching funds by the district to cover the cost of a covered play area:  Lakeside Elementary and Paterson Elementary.  Funds were allocated by the district to assist two schools per year with their fund-raising efforts for these covered play areas.  Requests are considered on a first-come first-serve basis, and the determination that the school has, in fact, raised half of the total cost. 
71. 2007-08 School Calendar
Minutes: Due to recent changes in law, beginning next year, the school year cannot start more than 14 days prior to Labor Day.  There was brief discussion about the school calendar and the make up of the committee which makes the calendar recommendation.  It was suggested and agreed upon that two parents should be added to the calendar committee.

72. The meeting adjourned at 9:15 p.m.

